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Lionheart Children’s Academy at Celebration Church

601 Westinghouse Road, Georgetown, TX 78626

6:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday


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Infants to 12 Years


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Monday – Friday: 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Lionheart Children’s Academy at Celebration Church

Georgetown TX’s Leading Child Care Center

At Lionheart Children’s Academy, we understand your need for compassionate, nurturing child care and we’re happy to provide a program that will help your child bloom into a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted student. Our center is fully licensed and certified in early childhood education and we have a commitment to providing loving, nurturing care for babies, toddlers, and elementary age children. We offer an exciting, engaging early childhood education that helps children improve their social skills, motor skills, and self-confidence. Find out more by visiting our church campus in Georgetown, TX today.

Our Passion for Making a Difference

Our staff of licensed and certified early childhood educators is moved to positively impact the lives of children and their families each day. At Lionheart Children’s Academy, we focus on improving children’s development in all areas, showing compassion and integrity, and displaying faith and Godly virtues. Our research-based curriculum nurtures the whole child in all areas of development: social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive and we encourage children in our care to grow in these areas by providing engaging activities that include:

  • Experience Early Learning Curriculum
  • Bible stories and songs
  • Gross motor and fine motor development
  • Language development
  • Sensory play
  • Art and more!

Find out if Lionheart Children’s Academy is right for your family by contacting us online today to schedule a church campus tour.

See Your Child Succeed

The goal of every parent and educator is to see their children grow, mature, and find success in all areas of their lives. At Lionheart Children’s Academy, we strive to provide the right foundations for success by implementing a nurturing preschool program and engaging after school care that provides your children the support, love, and opportunities to develop. Our program entails:

  • Social/Emotional Development: awareness of self and others
  • Physical Development: learning about movement
  • Cognitive Development: learning about the world
  • Language Development: learning how to communicate
  • Spiritual Development: learning about God’s great love for them

We’ll ensure your child feels loved, engaged, and accepted as they explore, play, and participate in our activities, outings, and daily devotionals. We’ve built a reputation throughout Texas for quality child care, convenient and affordable programs, and a passion for seeing our kids thrive. Connect with our office staff in Georgetown, TX today for more information. Call or visit us in Georgetown, TX today.

Enrolling Children 6 Weeks – 12 Years

Infant Care, Full and Part-Time Preschool, Before & After School, and Summer Club for K – 12 Years