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Fortville, IN

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Lionheart at Mercy Road Church

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Open: M-F, 6:30 AM – 6:00 PM

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Ages: 6 Weeks – 5 Years




Ages 6 Weeks – 18 Months

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Toddlers & Twos

Ages 18 – 36 Months

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Ages 3 – 5 Years

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The Lionheart Difference


We provide the very best early education to prepare kids for school and cultivate a life-long love of learning.

Nurturing the Whole Child

We help parents grow physically, educationally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy children.

Parent Partnership

We cultivate relationships with our parents, provide them with practical support, and keep them involved in our program.

Staff Quality

Our dedicated teachers bring expertise, care, and passion to their work, giving your child a strong, meaningful start in life and learning.


We believe in FUN at Lionheart! This is a place about children and for children so FUN is the rule, never the exception.

teacher clicking photos with students

Affordable Preschool & Child Care in Fortville, IN

Lionheart Children’s Academy provides affordable child care to children throughout Fortville, IN. We ensure a safe and nurturing environment for our children to learn and grow to their full potential. Our compassionate child care services are available for infants through children 5 years of age. We offer full-time preschool and part-time preschool. Contact us to learn more.

Lionheart Children’s Academy: Where Children Thrive

At Lionheart Children’s Academy, we offer children a supportive, loving, engaging environment. With this type of positive educational environment, children thrive, grow, and learn. Children at Lionheart Children’s Academy develop new social and motor skills through exploration and discovery while feeling safe and secure. Lionheart seeks to encourage every child’s natural curiosity. We want the children in our care to expend their boundless energy in a safe space.

Our daily schedule includes:

Compassionate Child Care Provider in Fortville

As one of Fortville’s go-to early learning centers for preschool and child care, Lionheart Children’s Academy is devoted to providing children with comprehensive care programs. Our programs help to nurture a child’s curiosity, boost their self-confidence, engage their bodies and minds, and so much more. Our desire is to provide children with a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where they can receive the compassionate child care they deserve. Our Fortville location is an educational environment where your child will feel valued, supported, and encouraged as they learn and grow.

Contact Our Fortville, IN Location Today

If you’re looking for convenient and compassionate child care assistance, you’ve come to the right place. Lionheart Children’s Academy offers preschool child care, summer programming for kids, and a before and after school care. The child care programs we offer will aid your child with improving their social skills, curiosity, creativity, and more. As a fully licensed early learning center, you can rely on our passionate professionals to provide your child with the best learning experience. Our early childhood curriculum helps children develop social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive behaviors. Our unwavering commitment to the children in our care will provide you with peace of mind that your child is in qualified and capable hands At Lionheart Children’s Academy. Contact us today to learn more about our premier preschool and child care services.

Infant Care, Full- and Part-Time Preschool, and before, after, and summer club for K-12 years.