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Experience Early Learning

We are passionate about each child’s experience at Lionheart. We firmly believe that every child is uniquely and wonderfully made and deserves to be loved and respected just as they are.  Our educational philosophy aligns with that view by taking a holistic approach to learning and nurturing all areas of development.

Our curriculum, Experience Early Learning (EEL for short), is a nationally recognized early learning system that equips educators with a toolbox of hands-on materials to bring children a variety of learning experiences through creative expression, play, and open-ended discovery.

Experience Early Learning curriculum weaves research-based educational practices into meaningful activities and projects. When combined with our nurturing environment, intentional teaching practices, and meaningful relationships, these skills will prepare your child for success in school and in life!

baby image
EEL Baby Family Flyer


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EEL Toddler Family Flyer


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EEL Preschool Family Flyer


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2024-2025 Scope and Sequence
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Enrolling Children 6 Weeks – 12 Years

Infant Care, Full and Part-Time Preschool, Before & After School, and Summer Club for K – 12 Years