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What is Trailblazers?

Trailblazers is our program for school-age children in kindergarten through 12 years of age. We recognize the challenge working parents face to find a program that keeps their children safe and engaged. Trailblazers is all of that and so much more.
We provide parents with flexible options, excellent care, and peace of mind so they can be effective in their workplace. With kids in mind, Trailblazers activities are both fun and meaningful.

A Trailblazers Before and After School Experience Includes

Before School*:

  • Daily devotions that focus on relevant issues that school age children face.
  • Breakfast to start the day off right.
  • A fun trip on our state-of-the-art Lionheart bus.

After School*:

  • Friendly bus drivers ready to engage the kids with a smile.
  • A fun trip with friends on our state-of-the-art Lionheart bus (Roars included).
  • Large group and small group activities to help encourage teamwork, social skills and fun.
  • Community outreach projects that teach children to give as well as receive.
  • Playtime! Children need to play, and we keep them moving and enjoying the fresh air (weather permitting).
  • Supportive staff that provide a wonderful place for children to just be kids in a safe, loving environment.
  • Base Camp: Weekly chapel that is fun, interactive and Bible-based.
  • Homework help available if needed.

Bus Safety

We take the responsibility of safely transporting children to and from school very seriously. Our drivers receive biannual training in transportation safety that exceeds state licensing requirements, and their driving records are reviewed regularly. We believe that transportation safety is everyone’s job, so we teach children how to conduct themselves on the bus and encourage them to take responsibility for choices.

Our brand-new, state-of-the-art buses include the following safety features:

  • High back seats with three-point lap and shoulder belts
  • Back up camera system
  • 3 emergency exits
  • Upgraded braking system
  • Meets all National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) safety standards
  • Altoona Tested and approved

*at select locations

Our school break programs include daily adventures with a focus on STEAM, team building, field trips, large group sports, devotions, and service projects! While each day will look a little different, your Trailblazer’s days will be filled with engaging activities as we strive to pique the interests of every child.

School Break Clubs Include:

  • Flexibility! With Summer Club, you can attend all summer or choose the weeks that fit your schedule, though a few high-demand academies may require a full summer commitment.
  • Lunch and snacks provided.
  • Regular offsite and onsite field trips at most locations.
  • Trailblazers t-shirt (for Summer Club).
  • Activities and classroom environments that creatively support math and reading development through the summer.
  • Monthly community service opportunities.

Main programming runs 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with before and after care included.
School Break Club dates vary by location but run for Winter Break, Spring Break, and all Summer.


Trailblazers spring break and summer camp banner

Spring Break: Adventure Awaits

Experience all the best of Summer 2025

Summer at Lionheart


Week Theme

Passport to Fun
Experience God in a fun new way.
May 27 – 30 Prepare for Adventure
Myth Busters
Discover the truth of how God created everything.
June 2 – 6  Nature’s Nonsense
June 9 – 13 Science Shenanigans
June 16 – 20 Food Fables
June 23 – 27 Tech Tactics
June 30 – July 3 Celebration Myths
Mission Impossible
Challenge yourself to live a life that glorifies God.
July 7 – 11 Unity and Teamwork
July 14 – 18 Code Crackers
July 21 – 25 Hero Training Camp
July 28 – Aug 1 Survival Skills
Back to the Drawing Board
Discover the course God has set for you
Aug. 4 – 8 SMART Goals
Aug 11 – 15 Celebrating Success


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